of Champaign County

    Steering Committee
    May 7, 2009

Present: Bill Brown, Paul Debevec, Ward Henson, Carol Inskeep, Stuart Laird, Carol Leff, Esther Patt, Stephen Portnoy, Richard Schnuer, Shirley Stillinger, Paul Wisovaty
The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. by the chair, Esther Patt.  The  minutes of the April meeting were approved as distributed. The treasurer’s report, showing total assets of $3,760.08, was accepted..  Ward reported that there have been six renewals as a result of the mailing to lapsed members.

Illinois Division Report
    Esther reported for Hiram that the last meeting of the division was about all the bills before the legislature and finances, HTMand that all ACLU programs are supported by donations.
State legislation
    The bill on free speech for state employees has had its second reading.

    HB 648 to reauthorize current legislation against racial profiling will expire soon.

    Paul reported that he read in the Decatur paper about a proposed bill to require aid recipients to pass a drug test.  Esther will check with Ed Yohnka.

Safe Schools Initiative
    There will be a meeting at 5:30, Wednesday, May 13 at the Unitarian-Universalist Church.  A forum at Parkland is planned for September.

Plans for the fall
    The fall gathering will be in late October or early November.  We need to find a place.
    Consider showing Jay’s movie as a fund-raiser.
    Perhaps a forum

Other concerns
    What is the basis for stopping cars for consent searches?  We need to look at the data.  This might be a subject for a forum.

    Carol Inskeep reported that Peer Ambassadors have met with some police about discrimination against young people.

    The meeting was adjourned at 8:25.
                           Respectfully submitted,

                           Shirley Stillinger

   NEXT MEETING: Thursday, June 4