Champaign County ACLU Steering Committee


Thursday, April 7, 2011


7:00 p.m.


Members present: Carol Leff, Bill Brown, Stuart Laird, Diana Lenik, Carol Spindel, Barbara Kessel, Esther Patt, Carol Inskeep, Steve Portnoy


(The meeting was conducted in conjunction with preparing the spring newsletter mailing)


  1. Minutes of March meeting were approved
  2. Treasurerâs report. No new treasury activity to report. Report to be submitted at annual meeting.
  3. Announcements & Communications

a)      Bill Brown announced that the Phil Reese talk at Friday Forum had been rescheduled, then cancelled. Our contribution in support of his talk was directed to the whole Friday Forum, not to a specific talk, and so is non-refundable.

b)      We regret that the following steering committee members are not continuing for various reasons of scheduling, time available and relocation: Lynne Rudasill, Marc Ansel, Ward Henson, Paul Wisovaty. New member: Bob Illyes will be announced at the annual meeting May 1. Stuart Laird reminded us of the chronic problem of not including people of color on the committee, and we agreed to continue to sound out new steering committee membership prospects to replace our losses by attrition.

c)       The scheduling for the visit of Chief Frazier April 14-16 was discussed, with specific regard to when supporting organizations could participate.  Barbara Kessel, as liaison, reported on the planning and scheduling, and drew our attention to You-tube talks by Chief Frazier available on-line. Members inquired about police participation (there will in fact be special sessions for police), and hope was expressed that on-the-ground investigators would be in attendance.

d)      Law School Chapter & Student Chapter reports÷Dave Amerson wasnât present, but it was reported that our annual meeting speaker, former Iowa Chief Justice Marsha Ternus, will be speaking at the law school the following day at noon.  We approved a $100 donation in support of this event.

  1. Old Business

a)      We discussed the awards to be presented, particularly revisiting the question of whether to present the Chalmers award this year.  Further discussion of the possible candidates÷the IMC and the organizers of the CUPridefest÷eventuated in the decision not to confer and award this year.

b)      Annual meeting planning÷assignments of responsibility for the annual meeting:

                                                                          i.       Presenter for Stone Award to Hiram Paley÷Bill Brown

                                                                        ii.       Presenter for Norton Award to C Ward Henson÷Bill Brown

                                                                      iii.       Speaker intro÷Carol Inskeep

                                                                       iv.       Sound system÷Carol Spindel (whose suggestion of a new provider for the sound system was approved.

                                                                         v.       Award Plaques÷Stuart Laird

                                                                       vi.       Check-in help÷Steve Portnoy, Carol Leff

  1. New Business

a)      Market at the Square÷the new model, which we rather regretted, was to separate the organizations from the food sales in a separate section. We agreed to request the last Saturday in June and the first Saturday after Labor Day, at a price that is still $7.50.

  1. Adjournment