of Champaign County

Steering Committee

April 5, 2007

Present: Bill Brown, Roger Clark, Susan Cohen, Esther Patt, Richard
Schnuer, Stephen Portnoy, Carol Spindel, Marsha Woodbury, Mary Cory,
Elaine Gehrmann, Jay Rosenstein, Rachael Dietkus

Absent with notice:  Alan Levy, Ward Henson, Shirley Stillinger, Ben
Grosser,  Stan Levy, Paul Wisovaty, Gary Peters

Guests: Brian Dolinar and Chris Evans from CU Citizens for Peace and
Justice, and Barbara Kessel from Interfaith Alliance

The meeting was called to order by the president, Rachael Dietkus, at
7:35 p.m. Introductions were made around the table and the minutes
were approved as distributed.


Brian Dolinar and Chris Evans are trying to build a coalition to
change or revoke Illinois Rule 415, Regulation of Discovery. This
regulation prevents a defendant from having a copy of the police
report concerning her or his case and has the practical effect of not
allowing the defendant to see videos taken of the arrest. The
defendant's attorney can have copies but cannot pass them onto the
defendant. The defendant can see these materials, but cannot keep a

The public cannot have access to the police reports, and it is not
clear how long the police reports will remain out of the public
record. Otherwise the case file is open to the public.

Also, the issue of standard police policy was discussed.

Barbar Kessel brought to our attention the Campaign Against Torture.
On Monday, April 23, at 7 p.m. at the First Menonite Church at Springfield
and Lincoln. There will be a showing of "The Road to Guantanamo"
followed by discussion, and this event fits well with our annual
general meeting on Aril 22, as our speaker, Gary Isaacs, has
represented Guantanamo prisoners.

She also mentioned the book sale on April 12 at the Urbana Library.
Profits will go to paying the postage expenses of the Books to
Prisoners program.

General Business:

Functions of the Steering Committee:

Esther Patt led a discussion about what issues we pass onto the
Illinois ACLU. We were reminded that any person can bring an issue to
the attention of the Illinois ACLU. As a committee, we stay in touch
so that our actions can be supported and defended by the Illinois
ACLU. After the Annual General Meeting we may decide to concentrate
our energy on one or two issues.

Annual Meeting:

The Annual meeting will be on April 22, 207, at the Great Impasta,
starting at 11:30 a.m.
Volunteers will arrive at 10:45 a.m. Rachael has sent publicity to
all the news outlets. Members were reminded to make their

Nominating Committee:

Carol Inskeep, Lois Steinberg, and Jeff Unger have agreed to join the
Steering Committee.
Roger Clark and Gary Peters have resigned. Alan Levy may be moving to
Emeritus status.


Bill Brown asked for another volunteer to do the newsletter.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Marsha Woodbury

Annual Meeting:
The Annual meeting will be on April 22, 207, at the Great Impasta,
starting at 11:30 a.m.

NEXT STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING: May 3, 2007, at 7:30 p.m.